Practical Positivity – Supporting each other during COVID-19

With all of the “doom and gloom” that we see in the media every day, the Your Consultancy Network family genuinely believes that if we all support and look out for each other, together we will get through this (and hopefully come out stronger and more resilient on the other side)!

Doing our bit for a ‘positive mindset’, attached is a one page “Practical Positivity” guide – sourced from James Ashford – to assist with starting a ‘positivity movement’ amongst the general business community.

Please feel free to share it with your LinkedIn network, your clients, your family, your community – and anyone that you care about (and want to add a bit of ‘positivity’ into their lives).

Just as we have shared this guide to help ‘start the positivity ball rolling’, feel free to post any comments and articles of positive things that you have heard about (or are doing yourself) – in your business, your personal life or in your community.

Let’s all do our bit to spread some positive cheer and happiness.

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones, and most importantly, stay positive and please stay safe. 😊

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